
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Reflections on Sunday's Reading: Advent 2, Year B (2011)

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the son of God, as it is written by Isaiah the prophet"
"I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way-
a voice of one calling in the wilderness;
'Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight paths for him'.
~Mark 1: 1-8

It’s Advent, week two…John’s week.  
Here we are, each year, resting in the peaceful glow of our first Advent candle…

  ……pondering the delicacies of gold ribbons on evergreen, straw in mangers, and twinkling lights…

And he shows up. 

....With the locusts.  And the camel hair clothing.

Honestly.  It's a bit exasperating.

He doesn’t quite fit.

He’s like a low grade on a midterm exam.  Or a missed stitch in an afghan that was going swimmingly.  He butts into the bliss.  

‘This is serious stuff.  Not to be taken lightly’, says John.

HE is coming. 

…The Prince of Peace.  The Lord of Hosts.  YHWH. The son of God.  
The Christ.

Are we ready?
Do we hear him?  Do we hear John?

The voice of one crying in the wilderness:....
“Prepare the way of the Lord.  Make his paths straight.”

This is serious business.

Pax Christi,
Linked with:

Image: {{PD-1923}}-published before 1923 and therefore public domain in the US


  1. Prepare Ye the way of the Lord!!!!! Amen!

  2. Very Nice...and now to put into the action the challenge ...

  3. Thank you, Michelle. I'll be back to read more.

  4. Yes, very nice. You're right. St. John is SO serious and refuses to be ignored.

    Thanks for sharing your advent reflections.

  5. And don't you find it somehow refreshing to be reminded of something more serious in the midst of all the frivolity that is an "American Christmas"? I LOVED this post. Really, LOVED it. Thank you for contributing to the Nativity Carnival!

  6. I agree with Sew Jacki: It popped into my mind, too, "Prepare ye the way of the LORD!" Powerful words! Peace and blessings to you and your family!

  7. "Missed stitch in an afghan", exactly!

    Thanks for linking up with Home of The Hmm...ily. I moved this post from the 3rd Week of Advent linkup to the 2nd.


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Pax Christi!