
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Remembering Whose We Are

Our store bought Christmas tree has a pine cone on it.  

Can you see it there?  We have never had that happen before.

Our tree remembers.

It remembers where it came from; it remembers what it is.  In the midst of Christmas celebration, commercial and otherwise...with the prospect of tinsel, and sparkling lights, and man-made ornaments coming its way, it remembers the forest...or at least the tree farm.

 It knows it is a pine tree.


Do we?  Do we remember what we are?  Whose we are?  In the middle of a secular culture, a culture that elevates physical appearance and money and earthly acclamation over things that matter, do we remember what we are called to be?  Do we remember what really matters?

Will we hang on, like that single, solitary pine cone,  for dear life... in spite of being tossed about by the trappings and the trials of this world,... to our Our Lord?
For dear life?
So that we might bring Him glory?

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!  The reason the world does not know us, is that it did not know him."
~1 John 3:1

Rest in him.  Nativity is only days away!

Pax Christi,

Oh, and don't forget our headcovering giveaway.  We're excited!   We hope you are too!
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A Wise Woman Builds Her HomeSpiritual Sundays, Proverbs 31 Thursdays @ Raising Mighty Arrows,  Titus 2sdays  @Time Warp Wife, God-Bumps & God-Incidences@ Getting Down with Jesus.
Playdates at the Wellspring, 40 Days of Seeking Him-Advent 2011

You'll find their buttons on the Blog Hops page.


  1. That pine cone represents new life. You should find out the right way to harvest and plant the seeds. What the conditions need to be. They would probably do well at 6000 feet.

  2. Hadn't thought of that. That's exactly what we'll do.

  3. Love this analogy! I bet your house smells good!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. I really like this. Thank you!

  5. Loved your analogy. I want to hang on--despite what the world pushes.

    Don't you love the smell of fresh pine?

    Have a Merry Christmas -- honoring the Christ Child and enjoying His presence.


  6. Yes! We should always remember whose we are. We don't belong to the world even if we are in it! A blessed Christmas to you and your family! Patsy from

  7. What a great lesson from a pine cone. Thank you for sharing.
    I hope your Christmas was extra special this year.

  8. I love your pine cone! And all it represents here. A lovely way to be reminded of who we are, Michelle. I pray your Christmas was sweet.

  9. I can practically smell the pine ... all the way in my corner of Iowa. Lovely, Michelle. Praying that you are blessed with joy and peace in the coming year.

    So glad you linked up. I love your "voice" already.

  10. What a great reminder. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for linking up to NOBH!


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Pax Christi!