
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Two Flames...

People who can have babies amaze me.  I find them remarkable.  My husband and I spent many years waiting, praying, and hoping.   Then, out of nowhere, we were blessed with a miracle.  After she was born, I silently dared hope again, and waited.  Another never came.  The waiting, though, it shaped me.  The waiting before her…the waiting after her…they gently molded my spirit.

I was rendered someone gentler, less demanding, less arrogant.  I learned that there is something greater than me.  I learned to love the gift…REALLY love the gift.  I learned that the gift is priceless.

On the second Sunday of Advent, last Sunday, we brought Joseph out.  He joined Mary, the cow, and the donkey in our Nativity scene.  There is no baby yet…he won’t be born until Christmas Eve.  There are no shepherds, because there is no baby for them to come to see.  The wise men?  They won’t arrive until Epiphany.

There are only Mary and Joseph, warmed by the gentle breathing, shuffling, and nighttime noises of the animals.  They are waiting.  Simply waiting….for an immeasurably complex gift.  There is a tiny votive light burning near Mary.  She has life inside…which is,… rather amazing, isn’t it?  She has life inside that will be born to bring us life.  Can you sense the wonder?

We too, are waiting, waiting quietly, eagerly,expectantly.  Sometimes frustrated. Sometimes strangely peaceful...We are waiting in an Advent life. Waiting for Jesus... and the waiting gently shapes us.


The Collect of the Day:
Second Sunday of Advent
Merciful God, who sent Thy messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way of our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen
~Book of Common Prayer

Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel;
Come Lord Jesus...

Pax Christi


  1. I lived in Central American for 15 years. Baby Jesus was never seen anywhere until Christmas day. They waited!

  2. Michelle, We waited for 19 years. The waiting was so hard, but i have never regretted all we did to conceive and then have 3 children with the GIFT procedure. You are the first I have ever read speak of the things I felt happened to me, too. It does shape you! Definitely! God knows how to mold clay :)

  3. I never thought about using the nativity set like you have. Great idea! We have a tiny trough outside with a cross and were planning on Christmas day to put a big sign up that says "he is born". Keep up working in and for the glory of God. Love your blog.

  4. This is so incredibly beautiful! Thank you, thank you, for reminding me about the beauty of waiting. Peace to you.

  5. I do the same thing with my nativity set.
    I had to wait for my children, too.
    Beautiful post. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. beautiful post and a good reminder to be patient as God shapes us into His image.

  7. Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing your experience with "waiting". What a blessing to share such an inspirational story. Thank you for linking your post at NOBH. God bless you!


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Pax Christi!