
Monday, January 2, 2012

Last Few Days of a Small Town Christmas

A very merry Ninth Day of Christmas to you and yours!  The season is winding to an end; the magi are on the brink of discovering our Lord; Epiphany stands at the ready.

We are cleaning our carpets today.  I can't help but start thinking ahead to the Lenten house cleaning at this time of year.  After all, the last day of the Epiphany season is Mardi Gras, which leads immediately into Lent.  I'm determined to get every nook and cranny of the house cleaned by that we are free to do the personal and spiritual housecleaning that Lent brings.  

But, I'm getting way ahead of myself.  Today, it is still Christmas, and the town is still cheery.  I love the simplicity of a small town Christmas.  I'm sure that big city Christmas trees are amazing to behold, but our little town tree suits me just fine.

 On Thursday night, we'll be making a King Cake for Friday's Epiphany celebration.  We'll also be taking a look at the meaning of Epiphany, and the application of the fruits of the season to our lives. 

Beginning Epiphany, January 6, we'll be joining Frugally Sustainable for the 23 Day Frugal Living Challenge.  I am looking forward to sharing some of our family's frugal living strategies, and learning about yours.

There is a giveaway, of one of the veils from Liturgical Time Veil Shop, in the works .  The giveaway will take place on The Catholic Young Woman.  The veil that will be given away is still a secret!  Watch for the "unveiling"...(sorry, couldn't resist)!  The Catholic Young Woman is a marvelous blog for young women.  You can find it here:

The Catholic Young Woman

In the meantime, the veil giveaway that we are hosting here on Liturgical Time continues, so don't forget to enter!  You'll find that giveaway here:

Thanks so much for participating in the poll on the sidebar; your opinions are very helpful in planning and decision making for this site.  We have had communication from so many women who love headcovering / veiling, at prayer and worship, and/or in daily life.  Don't be shy about letting us know if you are not interested in headcovering content on this blog.  We want to know everyone's opinion, and your responses are anonymous.  You can even mark the "nutty" option, and we won't mind at all!

 For those of you who love snoods, I cannot make a better recommendation than the shop of Cam at A Woman's Place.  Her blog is delightful and her shop has so many lovely snoods that it is a feast for the eyes.  I heartily encourage you to visit both.  You'll find her shop here:

We're looking forward to a wonderful Epiphany 2012!  Until then, enjoy the last few days of Christmas, and thanks for joining us on Liturgical Time!

He is born!  Let us glorify him!
Pax Christi,

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Michelle. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about Lent! We are doing some similar cleaning:). I still need to link up to your New Years post and take a look at your poll. Your King's cake sounds wonderful!


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Pax Christi!