
Friday, January 20, 2012

Sanctity of Life Sunday: "It's Not a Baby"

After 6 years of prayer, tears, and longing, we finally got what we were desperate for:

...a positive pregnancy test.

Well, let me assure you, I wasn't going to believe that for one minute.  I had had plenty of false hope before, and each time, the crashing, after the truth, was painful.  So, we went back to the store and did another.

SIX times.  

Seriously.  Six.

Then, a trip to the doctor, who confirmed it; I was pregnant.  Miracle of miracles.  I finally dared to believe.  

Joy flooded in.
We went back for an ultrasound, with a very "quiet" and not so cheerful, sonographer.  A follow-up visit to the doctor revealed the reason why:

"It" was not a baby.  My Catholic obstetrician informed me that "it" would have to be removed for my safety and well being.  It was not a baby.  

       Well,... we think not. There will be no termination of pregnancy here.

She assured us at length that she was Catholic, she did not do abortions....we would be removing "tissue" that was not a baby.  If I chose not to do this, I would be at risk for blood loss, etc...

We responded with a firm no.  We had waited six years for this.  Something had occurred that suggested the possibility of pregnancy.  God would decide.

And so we went home.
And crashed.

And we waited.
The doctor, rather annoyed with our ignorance and subborn natures, ordered another ultrasound.  Perhaps we would be convinced when there was no heartbeat, again, in another week.

Deflated and hurting, we went.

And, guess what?

I can still see that tiny heartbeat on that screen like it is in front of me this very moment.
It was a baby.
Soli Deo Gloria!

In spite of that doctor's training and experience, and doctrinal stance, she was wrong.  Had we listened (not that there is any possibility that we would have), a tragedy would have occurred.

The most precious gift we have ever received, other than the gift of grace and salvation from our Lord Jesus Christ...would have been rejected.  


This Sunday will be National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.  In anticipation of that day, the anniversary of a tragic decision (Roe v. Wade), I toyed with the idea of various pro-life posts.  In the end, I realized, that an argument for life...a miracle...lives under my very own roof.

Thanks be to God!

In case anyone was wondering, this is what "not a baby" looks like, 18 years later:

Doctors don't know everything.
I think I'll go with God.

Pax Christi!
Part Two is here.

Linked with:
Encouraging One Another @ Deep Roots at Home, God-Bumps & God-Incidences,
Raising Homemakers, Walk With Him Wednesdays

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  1. Aww, beautiful post!!

    Doctors definitely DON'T know everything! They wanted me to get an abortion because of first trimester bleeding, and I have a healthy 3 year old today! =)

  2. what a beautiful story. what a beautiful daughter you have. a true blessing of God. God's plan and nothing less. thank you for sharing!

  3. Oh how scary!!! I'm so glad you guys didn't listen to that doctor and that you have your beautiful girl! God Bless you!

  4. Moved beyond words at your story...amazing reminder!

  5. Oh . my ....

    I don't know if I can find the words to tell you how incredibly beautiful this is. I'm delighted that you linked.

  6. Immediately what springs to mind is the the magnificent spontaneous and joyful reaction of the Mother of God to the true God, true person, that came as pure gift into her body, "My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior"

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. oh wow. So glad you didn't listen to the doctor. I know doctors are human and can make mistakes but it really bothers me when they don't know that and try to make hasty decisions. Thank God you waited.

  9. Michelle, Thank you for laying your heart out there! I can relate so very much with the 'crash'. We finally had our first baby at 18 years of marriage. God's faithfulness is awesome! I am so thankful you had your dear daughter!

  10. Amazing. Thank you for sharing this. What a great reminder that God is Lord over all.


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Pax Christi!