
Thursday, January 5, 2012

They’re Here!...and Why It Matters

Adoration of the Magi, Peter Paul Rubens, 17th Century

Happy & Blessed Epiphany!

They made it!  They have arrived. 

The three kings have reached the baby.  They have brought him gifts…
Gold (for Kingship)…Frankincense (for priesthood) … and Myrrh (for the burial of a Savior)...

They have had….an Epiphany.  They know that he is God.

This night, across the globe, Christians of a multitude of persuasions will remember the Magi, and the discovery that they made.  Some will give one another gifts, in memory of the Three Kings’ famous gifts to the Holy One.  

Others will feast, and top it off with a King cake, with a baby hidden inside for a lucky family member to discover in his or her piece of the sweet bread.

Traditional Christians embark, beginning today, upon the season of Epiphany and the God discovery that comes with it.  This leg of our journey through the Liturgical year will take us to Mardi Gras, the last day of the Epiphany season, and the gateway to Lent.

Why it matters

Sometimes, in our atmosphere of comfortable religious freedom, we forget that we are talking about God here.  We like to have warm and fussy “feel good” church services that bolster us up for the week and …dare I say it?.... entertain us with a good sermon and great music.  I have even seen churches advertise “Starbucks Coffee after the Service”.  But, it’s not about US; it’s about HIM.

The Adoration of the Magi, Rembrandt 1632
Eternal God came down, took on human flesh, and dwelt among us… “for us and for our salvation”.  Almighty God “full of grace and truth”.

It’s a heavy thing.  Do we recognize him?  Do we fully, deeply acknowledge that he is God?  Are we so overwhelmed, by the reality of it…of Him… that we hit the ground on our knees?  That is what the season of Epiphany is about.  Recognizing …really recognizing… God in Jesus. 

The Epiphany season  is a time for us to have a special focus on visiting the Babe and bringing him our gifts.  To fall down and worship him.  To see him and to know that He is God.
What a blessing…this ‘Epiphany’….this leg of our journey.  Shall we continue our travels, with our Lord, through this church season…and beyond? 

Thank you, friends, for walking with me.
Pax Christi,

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  1. Oh I loved this post! Amen. Great job hitting the nail on the head:) God bless your Epiphany journey as you seek God in His fullness!

  2. Thanks for your reverent and thoughtful post...and for linking up to CeleLINKY with the Saints!


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Pax Christi!