
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wanted!...and the Winner of the January Giveaway

Photo: Dave Bleasdale , click for license

Notorious man who:

* Has locked up many Christians for their faith

* Has voted for Christians to be executed

* Has punished Christians in an attempt to force them to deny their faith

* Has pursued Christians outside the borders of his own land into foreign cities Christ...for serve and testify of him.

Today, January 25, is the Feastday of the Conversion of St. Paul.

It took quite an intervention, on the part of God, to break into Saul's former thinking and turn him around.  It took a very bright light, and the very voice of Jesus, to shake him up, and get him listening.  And what did Jesus say?  Basically, 'I am Jesus Christ.  Quit fighting me mister. Get up and get going; I've got work for you to do'.

The Coversion of St. Paul, Caragvaggio, 1601

Saul became Paul...and went on to be an amazing testifier of Christ.

God can use anyone, even you and me.  He can completely turn someone around.  He wants to bestow his grace upon us.  Let's not force him to strike us down on the freeway to get our attention.  He has work for us to do, too.

Click here for today's readings.

Today is also the day scheduled for the announcement of the winner of the January giveaway here at Liturgical Time.

The winner of the veil from the Liturgical Time Veil Shop, randomly selected via is:
Mrs. White @ The Legacy of Home!

True Random Number Generator  44Powered by RANDOM.ORG
I will be contacting you via email, shortly to get your mailing address, and to find out whether you would like the veil in black, white, or ivory.


The February giveaway will be announced soon!
Use the button on the left sidebar to become a follower, or subscribe via email below, to be sure that you do not miss the announcement of the February giveaway.

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  1. Thank you so much!!

    Mrs. White
    The Legacy of Home

  2. Michelle, I love the way you posted about this feast day. "Wanted" jumped right out at me! With St. Paul's conversion, it gives hope to us all.


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Pax Christi!