
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Today begins the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The Week of Prayer was established in 1908 and has been held annually ever since, gathering together Christian leaders of various "stripes" who, as stated by the Pope today, "invoke that extraordinary gift for which  the Lord Jesus prayed during the Last Supper...'That they may all be one' ".

This blogger, while acknowledging the unique beauty and depth of each of the many various and sundry Christian expressions, well as the significance of the assortment of doctrinal issues that distinguish them.... supports this Week of Prayer wholeheartedly, and agrees with Blessed John Paul II, that:

"Praying for unity...must then be an integral part of the prayer life of all Christians, in all times and places, especially when people from different traditions come together to work for victory in Christ over sin, evil, injustice, and the violation of human dignity".

If nothing else...if we could at least learn to understand, respect, and appreciate eachother's reasons, understandings, and traditions...that would be a start.

After all, we all love him, call him Lord, and seek to follow him.
...and, in the end, we are all in the same Christian boat...together.

Thank you for the kind respect that you give one another, even though the readers of this blog come from a variety of Christian traditions.  I appreciate the Christian charity displayed in your comments here...and I salute you for it.

Pax Christi,
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  1. Aby sme si doma pripomínali, k čomu nás Cirkev tento týždeň vyzýva, zavesili sme si v našom modlitebnom kútiku jednoduchú pripomienku - modlitbu o jednotu ozdobenú rôznofarebnými rybkami.
    Môžete vidieť tu:

    In order to remind us what the Church calls this week, we are in our prayer corner simple observation - a prayer for the unity with of different colors fishes.
    You can see here:

    Greetings from Slovakia.

  2. Thank you for this post, it is important to remember to pray for Christian unity and a lesson I needed to learn ;)

  3. I love learning from other traditions. YOu are so right...we must celebrate the different ways we bring honor to God. This is a good word, Michelle.

  4. Jesus prayer for us to be one in the Father is so riveting. John 17: 21: "May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." I am so glad that we can keep Jesus and His love above our separate denominational doctrines!! Blessings, dear friend :)


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Pax Christi!