
Monday, February 6, 2012

College Savings...Without the Saving

Even if your kids are really little, or not even born yet, 
College and diapers are closer together than you think.

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I just got finished making payments that total just shy of $1000.00 for a semester of community college for our daughter.

She wants nothing more than to be a wife and mother, but she is pursuing a college degree from home, via online classes, so that she will have the tools to generate some income from home, if necessary.

In the meantime, I am a bit worn out from paying out all that money.  So far, though, every dime we have spent on college has come from her UPromise fund.

UPromise is a company that places a percentage of the everyday purchases that you make into a college fund for yourself or a child.  You earn college money through your grocery purchases, restaurant dining, online spending, gas purchases...etc.

You register your grocery store cards and credit/debit cards...and Upromise places a percentage of purchases made into a college 529 plan in which growth is federal income tax free.  Joining is free.  Even if your kids aren't born yet, you can set up the 529 in your own name, and transfer it their name(s) later.  Anyone....grandparents, friends, etc...can link their UPromise earnings to your child's account.

Are you listening? This is your blog mother speaking:  DO THIS!

Seriously.  It's a good idea.

If you decide to use UPromise, and sign up after clicking on this button...

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 ...our family will receive a small kickback from UPromise, which will help with next semester's college bills!  We would be ever so grateful.

But, seriously, you can link directly to their site instead to join, if you prefer.  Either way, look into it.   Truly, I would not make a suggestion like this if I did not believe in it.   It has really been a blessing for us.

Linked with:
NOBH, Better Mom Mondays
You will find their buttons on the Blog Hops page.

1 comment:

  1. I signed up for Upromise a little while back and click on their digital coupons, but I didn't know I could link up my credit cards too? Thanks for sharing about this as a reminder that I need to look into this some more to see how I can maximize my savings and put more money in my Upromise account! :)


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