
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lent: 40 Days With No Dining Out

Thank heaven for a multi-talented husband who makes homemade french fries to have with lunch.  =)

How are you doing with your Lenten plans?  Share with us by commenting below, so that we can encourage one another.  

Keep in mind, Sundays are not part of Lent.  (That's why there are more than 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter...Sundays don't count.)  That doesn't mean that it isn't best to hold to your commitments for the whole season, but...Sundays are a good time to take a break if you need one.  
Lenten devotion and discipline are a process, not a pass-fail test.

Sending encouragement your way, and reminding you Lent it is about our relationship with Him, not our own glory.


  1. I am not doing sugar or my three times a week glass of wine. I think I have lost weight already, but mostly, I like the feeling a sacrificing. There are times that I really want those things, just because I am used to being able to have them if I want them. Simplicity is good. There is value in simplicity.

    I'm also fasting on negative thoughts, or trying to. In the last few days I have become much more aware of my thoughts than usual and internalizing that dwelling on things is a choice. I have this 40 day Lenten book that the co-founder of my church wrote decades ago that focuses on this. I'm loving it.

    My ancestors on one side were Catholic for, like, ever since they were Italian. This makes me feel a connection to them.

    I had no idea Sundays do not count! Hmmn, haven't decided what to do with that info yet. :)

    Best wishes to you on your Lenten journey.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    You have a great hubby who can cook! Very impressive! Our Lenten plans include daily mass (a few times a week), praying the rosary daily (part of the Rosary Across America campaign against the HHS mandate and abortion) and stations of the cross on Fridays. Have a Blessed Lenten Season!

  3. It's been an interesting year, but I think this year has been more meaningful as I have focused more on heart issues than outward type things.

    In the end, will be the true test of how well I did...right now, I have already struggled more than not. But He is good and I have hope!

  4. Hi Michelle!

    I am covering for the lenten season. It going pretty good so far, I will be honest, covering is much easier since I cut my hair (which was really long and really dry and unhealthy). I am thinking I may have to make some more :)



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