
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today is Candlemas...and Why It Matters

Photo: Lawrence OP, click for license
Today, Feb. 2,  is the fortieth day after Christmas.  Upon the fortieth day following birth, devout practicing Jews, like Mary and Joseph, presented themselves in the temple for the ritual purification of the new mother, and to redeem the first born son, who by rights, belonged to God. While Epiphany-tide may last a bit longer depending on the date of Easter, the Christmas season ends, completely, today.

Upon Jesus' presentation in the temple, he was encountered by two rather significant people, the aged and devout Simeon, and the very aged prophetess Ana.  They each had been waiting a long time for this.  They knew his worth, and, the world changing event which had occurred with his coming.

Simeon's song upon experiencing this meeting is well known, and is part of the evening prayers of many liturgical Christians:

"Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, 
according to thy word;
for mine eyes have seen thy salvation
which thou hast prepared before the face of all people,
to be a light to lighten the Gentiles,
and to be the glory of thy people, Israel."
~Luke 2: 29-32

Imagine their joy, upon meeting their Lord.  It could be our song, couldn't it?  Each of us. Redeemed and overcome with peace.
PD {1923}

As the days lengthen, and the light returns, we have this day to recognize the true light among us, and rejoice.  Meditate upon his priceless worth today, and welcome him, will you?


Soon, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) will be upon us...a last hurrah of Epiphany-tide.  The next day will be Ash Wednesday, our entry into the solemnity, introspection, re commitment, and self-renewal of Lent...which is observed in preparation for the Holiest Feast of all, the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord.  We have much to anticipate.

Pax Christi, Friends,

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  1. The season is passing so quickly! I actually learned just yesterday that Groundhog day came from Candlemas.Did you know that? Our paper had an article on this tradition that said there used to be a belief that the weather changed after Candlemas and the farmers would watch the animals to see if they woke up from hibernation and saw their shadow. If the shadow was seen they waited to plant. Isn't it interesting how these things come about?

  2. I'm a little embarrassed to admit I'm a little hazy on liturgy, and your blog is amazing at reminding me how significant and impacting the liturgical calender is =) This year I'm paying more attention to it and I LOVE the difference it's making in my life.

    1. Thank you Grace. I'm glad it has benefited you in some way, as your blog has benefited me, as well. Thanks for the kind words. I received some rather horribly unkind words from another young woman today, (unrelated to the blog), and your words have brightened things back up. Peace, Be Well.


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Pax Christi!