
Monday, February 13, 2012

A Watch ...and True Gifts

I sucked up my husband’s expensive watch with the vacuum cleaner once.  We had been married about a year.  The watch had fallen just under the bedskirt.  It made a horrible racket whilst it was being devoured.

My husband was not thrilled.

I have also washed (in the machine) his 100% wool suit (first month of marriage) and backed our Jeep into a heavy trash can (year 20).   

He wasn’t thrilled, but he was kind.  Exasperated, but kind. 

I’m sure my husband got me something for Valentine’s Day last year, but I don’t remember what it was.  I don’t remember last year’s Valentine’s Day gift, but I remember that he did not humiliate, yell at, or show unchecked anger twenty-two years ago when I ruined that suit.

There is something to be said for considering marriage a safe zone for the two people involved.  Each of you is going to make some big mistakes at times.  You can choose to abuse your spouse over the mistake, when it is his/her turn to make one, or you can remember that each of you will make them, take a deep breath, be kind, …and set about figuring out how , as a team, you can remedy the situation.

Flowers, candy, and jewelry are nice…and gifts are one way to show that you love someone, but it’s taking a deep breath, when your shredded watch is in the vacuum bag, that holds a marriage together.  That’s the biggest sort of gift you can give.

So go ahead and buy lovely gifts, and enjoy receiving them … but don’t forget to give the gifts that really matter.

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

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  1. Wow, LOVE this post. Kindly forgiving one another's mistakes over the years definitely shows the most love. This post brought me to tears because it reminded me of how much my husband has forgiven me over the years and how kind he's always been. I'm so blessed to have him! Thank you for such a wonderful post <3

  2. These are the gifts at the heart of a healthy marriage. Gifts that offer genuine love, acceptance and forgiveness!

  3. This is such a neat personal post. You must have a very understanding husband. Praise God!!

  4. I agree, it is the little things done every day that shows love:) I got one of those kinds too, so glad you do as well. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH


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