

I am the wife and mother, in a tiny Orthodox Christian family, being tossed by the waves of modern society, while riding safely in the vessel of the church of Christ.
After many painful, childless years of hoping and waiting, we were blessed with a miracle who fills our lives with joy. I stand in awe of His grace. Praise be to God!




  1. Hi Michelle! This is my first visit to your blog and I LOVE IT! I have been kinda praying and kinda studying headcovering for about 3 yrs... I know, make a decision already! You have cleared up a lot of questions that I have and reading some of the responses from the men you interviewed helped a lot too. I do have a question you only cover in church and if so is it because of the Holiness of the place? Being in the Lord's House? Thank you so much for the time that you have spent on your blog! It's wonderful! Your veils are beautiful too! Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Headcovering is quite a journey, beginning with the decision to embark upon it...and continuing, at least for some, throughout its practice.

      Mostly, I only cover in church. I am among those sacramental Christians who believes that something particularly sacred occurs in the celebration of the Eucharist, and that we are meeting Our Lord in a particularly real way during the celebration and reception of communion. For this reason, I could not comfortably attend a service where communion is administered, or be present in a church where the Holy Sacrament is held in reserve, without being veiled. Notice I said that "I" could not be comfortable...this does not mean that I feel that other women must necessarily do the same.

      I recognize that this is incongruous with the fact that we, as Christians, are continually, in and out of church, in the presence of the Lord, and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I have gone through periods where I have covered in daily life, and, periods where I have not. I can say that the periods that I have covered daily have been the more spiritually grounded periods for me. Whether that is because I covered in response to that spiritual grounding, or whether I was more spiritually grounded at those times *because* I was covered, I cannot say.

      I rejoice in the freedom that we have, in Christ, being "no longer under the law, but under grace".

      While I am not Catholic (though I do recognize the Pope as being one of the Bishops that holds primacy among equals in Christendom), I do think that a valid argument can be made that, for Roman Catholics, the Code of 1983 does not supplant the command of the Code of 1917, that women be covered in church...but I digress...and that is neither here, nor there, for Protestants.

      My daughter often covers outside of church. I suspect, because of the types of coverings that she wears, that most people think that she just really likes scarves, or is doing it for reasons of fashion. Somehow though, men sense modesty in its many expressions. I believe that she is respected more, and treated more gallantly, as a result of this practice.

      I like you, am on both a personal and a corporate Christian journey. I am grateful that, as the Redeemed, we are able to consider these choices while basking in the unfathomable gifts of Divine grace and Christian freedom.

      Pax Christi, Kathy,
      and blessings on your journey,

  2. If we look at church's interesting to note that women stopped covering around the 60's and 70's when they rebelled against traditional God given roles.

  3. Love this Blog! Totally an aswer to some prayers, I have been struggleing with the decition to cover my head at Mass and have decided that I would but only during the liturgy of the Eucharist (after the readings) since I am lector and I am not sure what my priest will think if I walk up to read at Mass with a big long veil on (I started using a pashmina). Although out of respect for other communities if I got to a Traditional Latin Mass I cover my head the entire Mass. So I am still praying and struggling with it. Your blog seems like a comfortable place to discover at least some of the answers I'm looking for. Thank you and God bless!!!

  4. Hello, Michelle!

    I just wanted you to know that I love, love, LOVE your blog (and your head coverings, though I don't cover...yet...still praying on that one).

    Anyway, I've been going through some things lately and your blog brought me a lot of comfort. Thanks for sharing your heart with us, and blessings to you!


    1. Thanks you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad that the blog has brought you some small comfort. It is so kind of you to leave us some sunshine.
      Pax Christi!

  5. I just began covering my head. First at church a year ago for Eucharist. Now full time. I am amazed at the ignorance even in church. it is sad. Today at a religious retreat where we had Eucharistic Adoration i was asked if I was a cancer survivor, I replied I cover for God. I almost wanted to cry. Thank you for this site.

  6. It is surprising how unfamiliar modern society is with the practice. Thank you for visiting; we're so glad you're here! :)

  7. Thank you for your blog. I have been covering my head at church for about 17 years now. I mostly wear hats, but do wear scarves and other fabric head coverings. I am on and off about covering 24/7. I do wear a silk covering each night as I go to bed, because that is when I pray a lot. Are you the only one who covers at your church. I am one of 2 ladies (400 + members)...I attend a Church of Christ church. Thank you for your wonderful blog!


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Pax Christi!